Category : Psychology

  • Attachment, a vital emotional bond that can stifle psychological distancing

    Attachment, a vital emotional bond that can stifle psychological distancing

    Since November 2023, several articles have highlighted constraints that limit the ability to achieve psychological distancing and, consequently, to gain freedom of thought and peace of mind: oppositions, idealizations (particularly the pursuit of moral truths), conformity, psychological projection, and the desire for recognition. Here, we will focus on the emotional bond of attachment. While essential…

  • Projection, a Major Obstacle to Distancing

    Projection, a Major Obstacle to Distancing

    ​As mentioned in a previous snapshot1, the time has come to address the notion of distance. It seems to me that this concept is mainly understood in a negative way, as the negation of an excessive proximity. In previous articles, we have focused on oppositions, idealizations, and the desire for recognition, all of which, in…

  • Emotional rollercoasters

    Emotional rollercoasters

    The Olympic fortnight was, according to many commentators, a magical interlude within a troubled period. After a chaotic political sequence marked by the dissolution of the French National Assembly and various concerns about organization and security, the 2024 Olympics, beyond the opening ceremony, benefited from a postcard-perfect setting, a shower of French medals, and an…